Wednesday 16 October 2013

Art Atop Bench "Bench In the Sky"

                               Art Atop Bench

                              "Bench In the Sky"

I am VERY excited to post about this photo that I took about of a bench in the sky.

 I took it about a year ago at a local park nearby my old school on a windy day during lunchtime.
 I bet your wondering, why am I so excited to post a picture about a bench in the sky? Well, the answer is, I just LOVE this photo! It's a terrific photo that has a great amount of depth and some value, and it brings me back good memories from my old school (Ah, nostalgia I remember you like it was yesterday).
 Another good thing to note is that yes, this is a bench and yes, it is in the sky. But why exactly is it there? It's such a surreal location for a piece of park furnishing, and how did it get up there? 
Well, It's a funny story actually.

 It was found there one lunchtime and some guys I knew declared it unsafe and that the bench was gonna fall off the top of the play scape at any minute. Well, it did! And I was right in front of the scene when it happened. It was one of the most funniest things that I had ever witnessed, and I still get a good chuckle or two from thinking about it.
 They cleaned up the bench- or in this case "Body" and placed the remains in a shopping cart found on the sidewalk and decided to have a funeral for it in a pond just a few meters away from the "scene of the death" to commence the death of the bench.
 They named him "Joseph bench" and they held the funeral later that lunchtime- I attended it as well.

 I'm also excited about this photo because I had such a difficult time posting it on my blog in the first place, But when everything is said and done, I feel as if it is a nice photo to look back on and remember from awhile ago of good old times with buddies, and a bench in the sky.
 I also enjoy the overall view of the photo- a bench in the sky. It's not something seen everyday but it still looks pretty cool.

 Well, that's the story of "The Bench In the Sky" I hoped you enjoyed this photo and try to take a look around your community, you never know what local art or "Hidden art" you might find lying around. Have a happy day!

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