Wednesday 25 September 2013

Art Piece Critique

The image I chose is called Tiffany Studios Grapevine.  1905, MMA, NY. Tiffany: Glass Menagerie.

The image displays no literal question, since it is just a stained glass window. The image has some precise detail but not a lot to be impressed or "wowed" by. It displays some texture, (the texture and quality of the leaves) But again, not much to be impressed or "wowed" by. It is somewhat life like, as it does look like a real depiction of a stained glass window that displays leaves, but it doesn't resemble an actual life like object and or image I’d say it looks real, it resembles leaves growing on a stained glass window, it's as real looking as a stained glass window can get right? but it is not realistic since it isn’t something that is naturally organic or something you can see outside (you can’t look out a window and see stained glass leaves growing out of the ground or walking around a street). It doesn’t look exactly like a actual stained glass piece, since there isn’t little pieces of glass that create the image, but it looks as real as a painting of a stained glass window gets I suppose.

Formalism and Design Qualities
It does have principles and elements of design that are executed well. It does have well use of line, shape, hues, harmony, space, movement, rhythm, and balance.
It uses lines as the stems that connect the foliage together, the shape of the leaves are proper too. It also has good hues in the colour of the foliage, it has harmony throughout the piece, it uses space well since there aren’t too many blank spaces in this image, and there is movement by the curving stems displaying growth in the leaves. There is rhythm by the placement of the stems curving lines that make your eyes follow, and there is balance by the way the stems and leaves are placed all over the image, but in a way where is draws your eye in a positive method. The piece does have unity since the image isn't cluttered, strained, or too busy.

Emotionalism and Expressive Qualities

This piece doesn’t really have many emotional or expressive qualities, but it does make me feel positive and mellow because of the use of the different hues of green and yellow that create somewhat of a "creative" and "organic/Eco" feel. The use of the few cool and warm colours make a relaxing feeling. Also, I enjoy stained glass pieces so that’s probably why it’s tough for me to critique this one as much as I would any other piece, but it's also probably easier for me to love stained glass pieces too. Overall, including all 3 qualities, I’d say this piece is an acceptable piece, but not and over the top amazing piece.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks! You clearly explained your ideas, especially on Formalism. Thinking Level 4, Communication Level 4-
