Tuesday 5 November 2013

Stop-motion animation

Stop-motion animation

I was watching some interesting stop-motion animation videos in CyberARTS class today and here's one that I really enjoyed.
It's called "GULP".                            

                                  I was watching the video on how it was made also.
                                                           GULP the making of.
 I learned that "GULP" was actually made on a nikon camera, and that it was created using real-life objects and people. They used a crane to shoot most of their scenes, which I thought was pretty cool. An interesting technique that I noticed that they used was that they used garden tools (rakes, hoes, etc) to create most of the scenery (sea, birds, etc) in the video. They also used a "Pixelator" to replace using a constructed puppet. A "Pixelator" is a human puppet essentially. They also used a bluetooth keyboard to control the camera, and they also have a video feed to the monitor which gives a video feed to all 3 cameras which gives a view to what they're shooting and what's happening. I learned that stop-motion animation takes a lot of precision and skill to execute properly.

Here's another really cool stop-motion animation video that I found it's called "Fireworks" By Pez. I was interested by the unusual materials and objects that were used in the video. 
Hope you all enjoy watching these videos, and try to search up other techniques and videos on stop-motion animation and how it's made. Have a happy day, Bye!

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