CyberARTS weekly blog post #4
New Technology/Tips and TricksPhotoshop. Some may be a skilled artisan at it, while others may just be beginners. I'm slowly but surely working my way up into becoming more of a fledgling at such a skill myself. For this week's weekly blog post, I'm going to share a neat video that I found on YouTube about matching the foreground to the background in Adobe Photoshop CS6. The video helped teach me a technique that I hadn't previously known, and it was interesting to learn more small tips and tricks that you can use here and there to alter the way that your final image appears.
In conclusion, I'll keep trying to learn more and more Photoshop techniques, and in the future I might even be able to post up art that I created using such techniques.
Seen to the left: video on matching the foreground to the background in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
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