Year 2 tech culminating
For my grade 10 CyberARTS culminating, I created a poster and a web banner based around an event called the "graphics jam". In my opinion, I interpreted the event as a quirky take on a "popping", "new-age-meets-re-vamped-customs" type of matter.
For my creative process, I knew that I wanted to do something that incorporated a jar of jam (a "play on words", with the "jam"). I started by researching pictures of real jars of jam, as well as clip-art to get a feel of the shape and the appearance of the jar. I found some interesting images, and I even saved one of the clip-art's onto my desktop for reference. Afterwards, I searched up "graphic jam" on Google images- to try and see what would show up, in hopes of finding existing examples of posters and web banners that would help inspire me. Unfortunately, I didn't find any existing examples of graphics pertaining to that of the fictional event that I was creating a poster and web banner for. Being crestfallen, I decided to set my search up for something else-the type of design/style that I wanted to gear my main idea towards. I searched up "stylized posters", and I was quite interested in the results that I got (art deco-styled posters with a clear layout). I decided to go with a design based off of what I found. I made some sketches in my tech sketchbook, and I decided on what I might incorporate in my design.
The imagery that I created was of the jar of jam, and I made sure to create a jar of jam that had a fabric cover that acted as a blanket for the cap of the jar, as to help give the poster and web banner a quirky, "new-age-meets-re-vamped-customs" feel (back in pioneer days and in the Amish lifestyle, they used to preserve foods with this method). By using quirky, sweet colours in the jar, it helped show the quirky message that I was trying to get across.
With my design choices, I chose to keep the poster simple and clean. With that kept in mind, I tried to keep the visual hierarchy balanced. I had the name of the event, "graphics jam", in a large font, and at the top (with a few inches of space between the caption and the top of the composition), as to be eye-catching and to make it obvious that it was the caption. I then had the month, year, and the days that the event took place (Feb 12-21 2016) right below the caption, snuggled under the part "grap" in "graphics", and to the left of the "j" in "jam". I then wrote the location of the event (Artscape Wychwood Barn) underneath the word "jam". I put the jar of jam in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, so your eye would be lead to it (it's the focal point of the piece). For the banner, I put the month, dates, and year in a medium-sized font in top left-hand corner of the banner. I then put the jar of jam in a small size, in the middle of the screen, as to balance the composition. I then put the caption "graphic jam" in a large font, at the right-hand corner of the screen.
Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with my work, and I enjoy the effect that I created with my poster and banner as well.
Seen to the left: Poster of the event "graphic jam" that I created.
The imagery that I created was of the jar of jam, and I made sure to create a jar of jam that had a fabric cover that acted as a blanket for the cap of the jar, as to help give the poster and web banner a quirky, "new-age-meets-re-vamped-customs" feel (back in pioneer days and in the Amish lifestyle, they used to preserve foods with this method). By using quirky, sweet colours in the jar, it helped show the quirky message that I was trying to get across.
With my design choices, I chose to keep the poster simple and clean. With that kept in mind, I tried to keep the visual hierarchy balanced. I had the name of the event, "graphics jam", in a large font, and at the top (with a few inches of space between the caption and the top of the composition), as to be eye-catching and to make it obvious that it was the caption. I then had the month, year, and the days that the event took place (Feb 12-21 2016) right below the caption, snuggled under the part "grap" in "graphics", and to the left of the "j" in "jam". I then wrote the location of the event (Artscape Wychwood Barn) underneath the word "jam". I put the jar of jam in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, so your eye would be lead to it (it's the focal point of the piece). For the banner, I put the month, dates, and year in a medium-sized font in top left-hand corner of the banner. I then put the jar of jam in a small size, in the middle of the screen, as to balance the composition. I then put the caption "graphic jam" in a large font, at the right-hand corner of the screen.

Seen to the left: Poster of the event "graphic jam" that I created.
Seen to the left: Web banner of the event "graphic jam" that I created.